Dr. FATAH SINGH on Indus Valley Script Decipherment Symbolism of Brahmanas and Upanishdas in Indus Valley Script Critical view of decipherment of Indus script
First written on : 9-5-1993 AD; First published on interent : 29 May, 2008 AD( Jyeshtha krishna dashamee, Vikramee samvat 2065) MIC, CXII, 387 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Ahura Mazda, from the Louvre Museum http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/westasia/religion/ahuramazda.htm Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 THE
is one uniform and universal transition of mankind” says late René
Guenờn, the French savant, and that “it has been best preserved in the
Sanskrit texts, like the Vedas and Upanishads”. This accords with the vedic
concepts of viśvamãnuşa and viśvãyu, both meaning universal
man. The Atharva-Veda moots out the idea of Brihad Samveshyam Rãştram,[1]
that is, the broad-based comprehensive nationhood. Accordingly, there is
a long hymn[2]
to the Motherland where the mother Earth is described as nourishing the people
speaking difference languages and following different faiths, but all living
like the members of one and the same household. Thus the Veda is indeed the
basis of the multi-racial, multilingual and multi religious Indian society that,
in spite of so many onslaughts from within and without, continued to stay until
now like rock of granite. This is something which the modern world, torn
as-under by racial, linguistic and religious differences, ought to have envied
and investigated for its own good. MODERN
TREND - The modern world has, however, chosen to do the opposite, European
scholars and Indians trained in their modern sceptical and evolutionary mode of
thought have looked the Indian tradition with their eyes tarnished by racialism,
which Julian Huxly rightly condemned as "a myth and a dangerous myth."
This is particularly germane to the controversy regarding the relationship
between the Veda and 1.
so-called Indus valley culture is an All 2.
Dr. R. D. Bannerjee, who is credited with the discovery of Mohenjodaro was the
first to point out that is was a relic of the Vedic age. His boss, Sir John
Marshall, however, took his assertion as an offence and got him dismissed from
the government service. 3.
to that, Bishop Coldwell had proposed the theory that Sanskrit words found in
the southern languages were the reminiscence of the remote past when the Brahman
of the North imposed his language and religion on the people of the south.
"This started anti-Brahmin and anti-North movement in the South. 4.
Sir John Marshall and Reverend Father Heras passionately propagated that Indus
valley civilization was proto=Dravidian and non-Vedic, and that the cities of
Mohenjodaro and 5.
was the period of twenties when Gandhiji published his 'Hind-Swarãjya' and said
that Swarãjya was a vedic word which means much more than home-rule. He also
appreciated Swami Dayanand who was the first to emphasize the need for Swarãjya
and also for going back to the Vedas. 6.
our anti-British uprising in 1857, the alien rulers had made a vigorous effort
to push up the policy of 'divide and rule'. Missionaries and scholars were used
to advocate separatism on the basis of region, religion, race, language and
caste or tribe. I do not mean to name them, as they are too many. 7.
of this work was done at Government cost. A glaring example may be seen in the
huge book, written by Sir Chocklingam Pillai, who tried to prove that Aryans and
Dravidians (formerly known as Velans and Surans) who had fought bloody battles,
ultimately got mixed up with each other, but the people of Madras in India and
those of British in Europe can still claim to be pure Dravidians. 8.
even in free INDUS
VALLEY CULTURE - This nefarious trend has particularly misguided our scholars
with regard to the so-called (a)
There is a Vedic Mantra addressing God as Shiva : f'koks
ukek∙flA Lof/kfrLrs firkA ueLrs vLrqA
(yaju. 3.63) (b)
Normally, the word shiva is used for the Supreme deity, called Agni. vXus%
l[;q% f'koL;A (Rv. 10..4 cf. 10.124.9) (c)
The Shiva is the “old home, the wealth, and the friendship having the
potentiality to be many” (Rv 3.5 & 6) The
adjective Shiva in superlative is used for the Godhead, called Indra (Rv.
8.96.10) : eg
mxzk; rols lqo`fDra izsj; f”korek; i”o% In
fact, it is the flame of Agni that figures as Shivalinga, that is, the
characteristic mark of Shiva conceived as the great red whitish organ of the
brahmachari God. The invisible one is supposed to sprinkle retas that gives life
to the four quarters of the earth. (R.V. 11-5-12) (e)
Likewise, the plea that the term Purandara used as an epithet of Indra signifies
that anti-urban ethos of the Vedic people has no validity, because Indra is
known as the Pura-eta, the leader of cities (RV. 6.47.7) and a paura (citizen).
Moreover, all Vedic gods have a city named Ayodhya to live in. It is the city of
nine doors and eight circles :- v’Vpdzk
uo}kjk nsokuka iwj;ks/;kA INDUS
we can take up the evidence of punch-marked coins and
First of all, here is a monogram composed by O and M. This is found in
two forms as
Vedic Mo[3]
is, in fact, an ante thesis of OM and figures as an indeclinable like OM. In the
majority of cases, MO is accompanied by another indeclinable, Su. and, at least
in one mantra, MOSU is used as a contrast to O-Su. vks’kq ?k`f"ojk/klks ;krukU/kkafl
ihr;sA bek oks gO;k e#rks jjs fg da eks"kq
vU;= xUruAA ¼RV. 7-59-5½ OSU
means the transcendental seat of rL;ka fgj.;;% dks'kks LoxZ%
T;ksfr"kko`r%A ;fLeu~ ;{ka vkReUor~] rn~ oS czãfonks
fonq%AA This
position is obtainable by the ascent of the lower consciousness to the
supramental stage to bring the Swarga down to the human body, and turn that
'house of clay' into MoSu of Lord Varuna :- Ekks "kq o#.k e`Ue;a x`ge~ jktu~ vga xee~A
(RV. 7.89.1) [1]
vFkkLeH;a o#.kks ok;qjfXuc`Zgn~ jk"Vªa [2]
tua fcHkzrh cgq/kk fookpla] ukuk /kekZ.ka i`fFkoh ;FkkSdle~
¼Av. 12.1.45½ [3] RV 8.103.13 [4] RV. 2.38.3