
Indus Valley Script Decipherment

Indus Valley Script

Vedic Basis of Indus Culture

Symbolism of Brahmanas and Upanishdas in Indus Valley Script

Critical view of decipherment of Indus script



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    In order to  conquer or kill this buffalo - bull, it is necessary that first of all, this bull ceases from destruction, which is clear from the name of a buffalo in a seal. The way to achieve this is to collect/properly orient  the scattered light of soul. Then this collected/oriented  light will transofrm into Atri, whose symbol is a spear or arrow. The seal below shows an arrow falling on a buffalo. Before releasing this arrow on a death - buffalo, it has to be released on a quadruped/wild beast. The seal below shows three persons releasing their arrows simultaneously on a quadruped. And the quadruped which they have to kill may their sex - oriented mind. Upanishadas talk of a bow of Pranava and the ultimate target is Brahma. This target is three - fold from the point of view of speech, mind and praana. In the same way, the arrow should also be three - fold. 

This arrow cuts the covering of ignorance and consequently two Us appear, representative of doublet of light. Then the covering of Vritra transforms into 11 - fold collectivity of food and wealth. This idea has been expressed in a seal which shows a person sitting in trance. An upward arrow emanates from his head and passes through a doublet of Us. This seal can be compared with an other seals which has commonly been called as showing Pashupati. Following is the difference between the two seals :

1. In the first seal, the arrow has separated the two Us, while in the second one, these Us have joined together to form the horns which resemble the horns of Vritra buffalo. An armor has appeared at the position of joint, and this armor appears at other parts of the body also.

2. The arrangement of buffalo - horns which appears at the head, also appears in a miniscule form on the lower parts of the body, while it is totally absent in the first seal.

3. There is an inscription below the lower side horn - like arrangement. The upper part of this inscription is like V of Indus script, while the lower part is a symbol of Vritra. The first seal does not have these inscriptions.


4.There are two quadrupeds below the throne, and tiger, elephant, rhino and buffalo bull have been shown on the sides. These are totally absent in the first seal, and the covering from all parts except arms has also disappeared. 

5. There is difference in inscriptions in the two seals. 

This comparison shows that in the second seal, Indra and Indu(praana and Anna) have become two pet dogs(in the form of two quadrupeds) of the Vritra fire. These consider themselves identical with Vritra food and are escorting along with tiger, elephant, rhino and buffalo such a human body which is covered with strong armor from top to bottom. The arrangement of buffalo horns on lower and upper sides has made this covering still stronger. On the other hand, the firelight of two - fold Us in the first seal considers itself separate from the collectivity of food. In the second seal, Vritra has converted the human body into a jail, instead of Ayodhyaa of Atharva Veda. This can be compared with the hymns of Vamadeva in Rigveda who finds himself imprisoned in 100 iron cities and surrounded with many guards. According to one upanishada, the dweller of this jail is soul itself, who is ultimately able to run away at a great speed in the form of an eagle.


This concept has been depicted in an other seal. Here, there is a wood log surrounded by cord. A beautiful person is standing beside it whose body is covered with cord trap. An eagle is emanating from his head. He holds a sign of Varuna in his hands which may be symbolic of compassion of Varuna on him. This reminds one of the story of Shunah Shepa in one sacred text who prays for his release from the bondage, but there is no mention of any eagle.

The other side of this seal has an inscription. From this it appears that the unpuncturable armor which has been shown on this figure of yogi, this contains 5 Vs. Out of these 5, 4 are formed by the 4 horns. It is important that  5 Vs of Vritra type have been replaced with six vs, out of which 4 are above and below the eagle at the head, and two are on the two hands. Thus a Vashat( containing 6 Vs) has been formed which is considered a thunderbolt. If one contemplates a thunderbolt simultaneously with an enemy, then thunderbolt destroys him. 


    There is another seal which contemplates this imagination in a better way. Here there is a person sitting in a yoga posture. A V type cap is put on his head where 6 small lines make a Vashat along with a V. Above this Vashat, there is a crescent made of three curly horns and which also has 9 dots. Thus this crown, along with Vashat forms a figure like a one - letter Um. The letter 2 above it perhaps fulfills the remaining two letters of Omkara. It is noteworthy that Omkara without last two letters is for this world, while with letters, it is for the super world. The nine dots probably denote the nine - fold nature of Omkara, due to which it is called Pranava. There is also a flying eagle above the figure which has 4 dots, perhaps symbolic of 4 directions.

And below this is written Agni/fire. All this description shows that this is highest state of fire called soul, in which it can take to flying even beyond the boundaries of this body having 9 gates. That is why it is called Pranava. On the opposite, the Um remaining confined to 9 gates is two - lettered? one - letter Om.


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